This blog serves as a site for source material. I gather info regarding human intervention into the natural world and its effects on individuals and the planet. Most recently I am focusing on seeds and the chemical companies that are creating genetically modified versions. Vast acres of land are poisoned before these seeds are planted -seeds that contain a gene to not be ‘affected’ by the poison. Monsanto, Cargill and Dow are the largest companies in this arena. The plants such as soy, canola, corn and wheat become the main ingredients in foods we all consume.

Thursday, November 15, 2012 Genetically Modified info

General info about GMOs

Against GMO

Scientists against GMOs


Oxfam America is dedicated to finding long-term solutions to poverty, hunger and social injustice around the world. For more information, please visit

Oxfam statement

More GMO pros and cons from accredited institutions

RealScience website link

PBS on GM crops pros and cons -you decide

PBS should we grow GM crops?
" consuming foods containing ingredients derived from GM crops is no riskier than consuming the same foods containing ingredients from crop plants modified by conventional plant improvement techniques."

Although it is reported that genetically modified foods are safe A citizens taking action in Massachusetts food market by adding her own labeling ....